Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Baby Loves Me

I found this video that Hayden made me when I was having a hard day.  It was when we were first dating and all the way in Iowa going to school. I still look at it once in awhile when I'm having a rough day.  It's nice to look at the pictures and remember why he loves me.  We have grown so much since then :)  Hope this doesn't embarrass him.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Lately the word Patience has been coming up in my mind.  I seem to find myself always waiting for what I want to happen.  Today I realized it's not what I want to happen it's what Heavenly Father has planned.  Patience right now is my biggest test and I wanted to share a talk I was reading about it.  It is called the Power of Patience, by Robert C Oaks. 

First, “charity suffereth long.” That is what patience is all about. Charity “is not easily provoked” is another aspect of this quality, as is charity “beareth all things.” And finally, charity “endureth all things” is certainly an expression of patience (Moroni 7:45). From these defining elements it is evident that without patience gracing our soul, we would be seriously lacking with respect to a Christlike character.

“Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (James 1:19).
“Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith” (Mosiah 23:21).

We can grow in faith only if we are willing to wait patiently for God’s purposes and patterns to unfold in our lives, on His timetable.  It's hard for me to step back once in awhile and think of the eternal things, this talk brought that back home for me.  It's really hard to wait for things that you feel like you need right now! But, as I have seen before in my life sometimes waiting for Heavenly Father's plan is the only way to truly be happy.
(Included is some pictures of what we have been up to lately) :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Life as we know it!

Well I just decided that I should have started doing this a long time ago.  We could have been doing this the whole time in Iowa! Then our Family could see what has been going on in our lives.  Oh well I'll start now.

Hayden and I have been living in Iowa for those of you that don't know.  We have been married for about ten months.  Life has it's struggles but we are very happy.  We will be moving back to Utah in about a week! We are so excited!! We will be living in my parents basement apartment until further notice.  We are looking for jobs if anyone knows of anything?

I'm thinking it would be nice to share a little bit about ourselves for our family that hasn't gotten to know us that well yet...
Hayden was born and raised in Wellsville, Utah(just outside of Logan).  I am from Ogden. We are the same age.  We met at Iowa Western Community College.  Both of us had soccer scholarships there.  I feel like from the begining Hayden and I have been blessed!  It is crazy how Heavenly Father knows each and everyone of us, and if we have faith he will make everything work out just fine.  I just have a feeling things happened the way they did for a reason, I don't know if I would have met him if he hadn't came to Iowa when he did.  :) Some of you will know what I'm talking about.  Anyway, so we met here decided we couldn't spend anymore time apart and got married, then moved back out. I have been assistant coaching while hayden has been playing.  Both of us finishing up school. That is pretty much it for now.